Let's Protect Family From External Influence; FOMWAN Advocates

Stakeholders have stressed the need to re-examine family life from external influences that had been undermining it in the name of civilization.

These were the submission at the 10th year annual conference of federation of Muslim Women's Associations of Nigeria FOMWAN in Oka , Akoko, Ondo state .

Speaking on the theme ,family life in Islam ;issues and challenges in a dynamic society ,The olubaka of oka land ,oba Yusuf Adebori Adeleye stressed that the family played a pivotal roles in the society hence the need to protect it .

Oba Adeleye said that all hands must be on deck to transforming the nation to a better society .

He assured that the traditional institurions would do their best to ensure that the society is a better place .

In his address the chairman of the occassion who is a member house of representative ,Mr Ade Adeogun represented by Mr Alonge Abubakar emphasised that the current challenges of insecurity bedeviling the society is as a result of family failure.

He however called on government to find a lasting solution to the rate of kidnapping

Similarly, the chief imam of supare Akoko ,who is also the secretary of leagues of imams in ondo state ,Alhaji Akerele AbdulRasheed and the chief imam of oka land ,Alhaji Abubakar Isa commended fowman for its programmes aimed at building a better society .

Earlier the state president of FOWMAN ,Alhaja Aminat Akinpelu stressed the need for parents to be alive to their responsibilities of training their child well and cautioned them against societal ills .

A former President and Chairman of Humanitarian and community development committee, Alhaja Rafat Momoh charged men to be alive to their responsibility as breadwinners of the family .

In an interview ,the Amirah of okaland ,Alhaja Nafisat Yissa appreciated God and the Olubaka for his tremendous assistance for the success of the occasion as she called for unity among members for the progress of the association.
